Monday, February 18, 2013

10 on Monday!

So, I know I do this all the time, but I think I could keep up with 10 weekly things. I have seen 10 on Tuesday before, but I am doing 10 on Monday cause Monday is an easier day for me!!! SO with that, here we go....

1.  I am starting my Spring Cleaning.  Yesterday we got the office/craft room all cleaned up. Still need to do the paper shredding, but we will get that done. Feels so good to have it clean. I can actually be in here and not feel horrible!!  Still need to work on my craft stuff, I think I need to get rid of some stuff, I have too many hobbies!!

2.  Can't go too far in my list without mentioning my Kyle!!! 15 years old and such a sweetie. I am so proud of him.  He just got his report card and got all A's and B's. ( much better than what I used to get!!)  He is seeing Tiffany, they have been together for 1 1/2 years now. They get along so good. Baseball is starting next month and Kyle cannot wait, he just loves the game.

3. Valentines day was just last favorite day!!! I handed out simple little valentine treats to friends, made some special trips to deliver special valentines.  Kyle and Tiffany went out to dinner and to a movie, so that gave me a special nite with my hubby.    I set a pretty table with name cards that said "You" and "Me", candlelight and music. We had new york steaks with sauted mushrooms, baby red potatoes, salad, and french bread.  Mark brought me home daisies, two new mugs from Starbucks, and two RedBox movies. What a wonderful evening, It was so nice to be with my hubby.

4.  Work is going good.  I have 40 hours now, last week my first week of 40 plus Valentines Day. I was a busy girl. My boss is taking over the deli, and will try to run both departments, so for awhile I am doing more manager stuff.  I am sure learning alot about the business, and how to deal with people...customers and employees. 

5.  I have been sewing a bit lately.  I made myself a purse, which is kindof alittle too cutesy. I want to make another one, not as cute.  Everyone says I should sell these, but it is finding the time to make more than one that is a challenge.

6.  My friend Melissa is going through some hard times. I sure miss seeing her.  I want to be a good friend for her, I hope she knows I am always here for her.

7.  Mark is doing good. He has alot of stresses with money and work.  I love that he is hanging out with his buddies more and more. We have his buddy Charles over for dinner at least twice a month, so they can watch "Walking Dead". UGH, I can't watch. I make them dinner and retire to another room.

8. Wow, hard to come up with 10 things..........Last weekend my Mom and Jack came for a visit. We had so much fun.  We played a great game of Phase 10, which of course Jack won again!!!, went to Coffee and to Costco.  Lots of great chats and laughs!!!

9.  I sure have been missing my Grandma lately.  "GG" passed away at the end of October. I was so glad I went to be with her in her last days.  The time I got to spend with her and my Mom were Priceless. My Grandma was always there for me, always there for everything in my life. She was in so much pain for so long, and just wanted to go to Heaven. She finally got her wish. She lived to be 96. Love you GG!!!

10.  Today I get a bonus day with my Hubby!!! It is Presidents Day and he gets the holiday off...for me it is just my regular Monday off.  Kyle is going to the Zoo with Tiffanys family.  Not sure what we will do today, hopefully something productive and FUN!!!!

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